Ian Wilson's blog

Welcome to the blog of Ian Wilson, author of the award-winning books on 1950s Canadian steam railway operations.

The time-honoured tradition of accepting delivery of a new book

November 06, 2016

The shipment of King’s Highways & Steam Trains vol. 1—all 700 lbs. of them—arrived at our door on Friday.

My wife Mary-Jo documented on video the whole ritual of accepting delivery of a new book. That’s something we’ve experienced now 13 times (counting the reprint of Steam at Allandale). But the thrill never wears off!

As for the two other immediate family members, well. Our teenaged sons Spencer and Duncan are a modest pair. They resist most of my efforts to share credit with them. So I’ll have to whisper this to you and hope they don’t notice—Duncan (the younger) is becoming more and more accomplished as a video producer, as you’ll notice in this new production... and Spencer (the elder) makes his debut as a narrator, adding to his credits as a videographer in recent days.

Oh, yes, and time’s a ticking—as evidenced by the countdown clocks on our website—to place your orders and get in on delivery this week of the debut volume of King’s Highways & Steam Trains. But if you’re reading this line, you probably know that by now.

After watching the video, click on the order link to claim your copies of King’s Highways & Steam Trains vol. 1 and the collectible gift that goes with each of the first 500 books sold. Here’s the video:

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