Ian Wilson's blog

Welcome to the blog of Ian Wilson, author of the award-winning books on 1950s Canadian steam railway operations.

Pre-ordering Speed Graphics and Steam 1957!

October 22, 2017

We’ll address PayPal glitches for pre-orders in a general way, but first, here’s the order page for Speed Graphics and Steam 1957!

Thank you for the overwhelming and early response to the upcoming release! In just the past two days, we’ve heard from dozens of “old friends”—those readers who have been with us for years. If you haven’t been counting, it’s been eight years since I’ve produced a hardcover steam volume.

We encourage pre-payment by cheque/check or money order (fill out the coupon on the flyer we mailed you, and return it to us with payment) but... you may certainly pre-order Speed Graphics and Steam 1957! online at the above link. In that regard, concerning PayPal pre-orders...

Make sure you click the appropriate button (either shipping to CANADA or shipping to US/INTERNATIONAL).

If you don’t see an appropriate order summary after clicking the “Add to Cart” button, then please email me at and we’ll forward you a PayPal invoice promptly (they have been working 100% of the time, as opposed to the occasional glitch on US or International orders).

As mentioned on Friday, two print flyers for Speed Graphics and Steam 1957! are in the mail for everyone on our direct mail list (if you'd like to be on the list and you're not already, email me your postal address and we'll send you a couple of flyers). Our readers in England have received theirs already (and pre-ordered!). So, your copies of the flyer won’t be far behind if you haven’t seen them yet.

The website link has a clickable button where you may download and print the flyer if you wish (if you don’t see a PDF of the flyer pop up on your screen, check your Downloads folder for it... and be sure to print BOTH pages/sides of the flyer).

The new book will be released on April 30, 2018. There will be first-day shipping for everyone who has already pre-ordered... and we have room for a few more that day, if you get yours in right away. That way no one will be talking about a book you haven’t seen yet, come early May 2018!

You have friends who like Canadian steam as much as you do... so please forward this message to them so they too can pre-order their personal copy of Speed Graphics and Steam 1957! The link for the book is

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