Ian Wilson's blog

Welcome to the blog of Ian Wilson, author of the award-winning books on 1950s Canadian steam railway operations.

Windsor track map

January 09, 2020

Two of our readers have made it known that there is an error in Speed Graphics and Steam 1958! vol. 1 concerning the Windsor track map. This map appears (in two parts) on pages 12 and 13.

There is always something that sneaks through to the printing press, no matter how many eyes proofread a manuscript or book layout. And for Speed Graphics and Steam 1958! vol. 1 the Windsor track map is it. In this case, the easternmost portion of the map is reproduced on both pages 12 and 13.

I’ve uploaded a PDF of both halves of the Windsor map to the Speed Graphics and Steam 1958! vol. 1 book page, that you can print out and tuck inside your book. You can navigate to that page and find the download link or go to the map download link directly here:

Incidentally, Speed Graphics and Steam 1957! has the two parts of the Windsor map reproduced as intended on pages 190 and 191.

Thank you for your understanding and forgiveness in this matter.

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