Steam Encounters at Montreal vol. 2

Fourth in a series of all-colour softcovers featuring pictures in Ontario and Quebec. This volume will showcase CNR and CPR (and the occasional foreign road) steam and diesel locomotives captured by Bob Krone at Montreal in 1957 and 1959.


We are pleased to present the fourth volume in our Encounters series

Escape back to the 1950s railway scene in Montreal with our fourth all-colour title in the Encounters series. Sit back, relax, and turn the pages as we embark on our first adventures with photographer Bob Krone.

We accompany Bob on two visits to Montreal to witness the tail end of steam operations on Canadian National and Canadian Pacific. Our first trek is in November 1957 and our return engagement is in June 1959.

The photo reproduction is the same high quality you have come to expect with our Made in Canada product. Ian Wilson’s narrative, combined with graphic artist Rebeca’s photo finishing, is served up to you on the finest glossy archival paper stock by our friends at Ampersand Printing.

As with all our Encounters volumes, you will savour a collection of photographic vignettes, fleeting glimpses. Pick up the 48-page softcover book and lose yourself in the spreads anytime!

Steam Encounters at Montreal vol. 2 is a companion to the first three editions already on your shelf. This limited-edition title will ship in December 2022.

Click here to read a sample of Steam Encounters at Montreal vol. 2

Check out our background series of posts for Steam Encounters at Montreal vol. 2:

Previewing Steam Encounters at Montreal vol. 2

Northward to Montreal in November 1957

Turcot yard and roundhouse in November 1957

Canadian Pacific action at Montreal in November 1957

And this preview video:

Here is a preview of a 1950s colour steam video which will be available exclusively to direct purchasers of Steam Encounters at Montreal vol. 2:

Here are some sample pictures that will appear in the volume:






Back to the Canadian Branchline


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