The latest prices as of January 19, 2025
Here are the updated prices and book stocks remaining as of today. Several of these prices have dropped since last week (none have increased).
What's new in terms of scarcity?
The Steam in Northern Ontario, Speed Graphics and Steam 1958! vol. 2 and Steam Encounters at Montreal vol. 2 are now out of print.
Only six of the 192-page hardcovers remain in stock, with a combined inventory of 15 copies (three of these titles are down to a single copy).
This week’s prices and stocks remaining
Each of the publication titles below is a clickable link, so for your convenience click on that link to go immediately to the page where you may place your order with a PayPal button:
Prices shown in CAD/USD (shipping and GST, where applicable, will be added)
Steam in Northern Ontario OUT OF PRINT
Speed Graphics and Steam 1958! vol. 2 OUT OF PRINT
Steam Encounters at Montreal vol. 2 OUT OF PRINT
Steam Echoes of Hamilton $69.95/$59.95 $29.95/$22.95 1 copy
Steam at Allandale $69.95/$59.95 $19.95/$15.95 1 copy
Steam Memories of Lindsay $69.95/$59.95 $24.95/$18.95 1 copy
Steam Scenes of Allandale $69.95/$59.95 $19.95/$15.95 2 copies
Speed Graphics and Steam 1957! $69.95/$59.95 $17.95/$13.95 4 copies
The Secret of the Old Swing Bridge $19.95/$16.95 $2.95/$1.95 5 copies
Steam Scenes of Stratford $24.95/$21.95 $6.95/$5.95 5 copies
King's Highways & Steam Trains vol. 1 $24.95/$21.95 $3.95/$2.95 6 copies
Steam Encounters in Ontario vol. 2 $39.95/$34.95 $12.95/$9.95 6 copies
Speed Graphics and Steam 1958! vol. 1 $69.95/$59.95 $17.95/$13.95 6 copies
Steam Encounters at Montreal $39.95/$34.95 $6.95/$5.95 11 copies
What's ahead, otherwise?
You've noticed that I have been ramping up my content creation on Substack. There will be much more of that to come this week. This platform allows me to do deep dives on subjects of interest to fans of steam operations on Ontario railways (with occasional forays eastward).
Your best option...
A subscription to the Canadian Branchline Substack platform is the only guaranteed way to see all content—and immediately upon release, at that.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send me an email.
Also, please share the link to this post (via email, Facebook, other social media, etc.) with your friends interested in Canadian steam-era railway operations!